"The Big Give" is an opportunity for us as the church to do two things:
First, to be obedient to Jesus:
Matthew 25:44-45
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
Second, to rebuild, restore, and renew the city of Paterson:
Isaiah 61:4
4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.
With your partnership, this is what we hope to accomplish on Saturday, June 25th.
From now until June 18th we need to collect an inventory of items to build a FREE garage sale in the parking lot of 1 Market St., Paterson NJ. We are collecting clothes/shoes for men, women, and children, furniture, and household items that are gently used (in good condition) or new.
Due to low storage capacity, we ask that your family would collect, clean, organize the donations, and deliver them to 1 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07501 on Saturday the 25th at 9am or to one of our storage locations at a designated time. Another way to help us make an impact is by volunteering at the event. Below is more information on donations, drop-off, and volunteer sign-up!
Here is the link to our donations list: Donation List Ideas
How to organize donations:
Separate by gender & size
Label & store
Clean as best as you can
Wrap, label, and store
Donation drop-off locations
Restore Church (95 Prospect St. Midland Park, NJ)
Drop off dates & times: June 2nd from 6pm-9pm, June 16th from 6pm-9pm
Limited capacity for all items
Contact Joey at joeyrwright@icloud.com to confirm your drop-off time
Oak Church storage unit
Drop off dates & times: Saturdays from 4pm-5pm at 39 McBride Ave, Paterson, NJ
Limited capacity for clothing and dishware
Contact Rommy at rsingletary@oakchurchnj.org to confirm your drop-off time
Katie Kuperus house
Drop off dates & times: June 23rd from 10am-2pm & June 24th 5pm-7pm
Limited capacity for furniture
Contact Katie at katieroseinspired@gmail.com to confirm your drop-off time
We need volunteers for the following stations:
This area will require volunteers to help families/individuals register by receiving a voucher for their family size/need.
Volunteers needed: 4
Kids’, Men's, & Women's areas:
These areas will include clothing & shoe wear. Each area will require volunteers to organize shirts, pants, and shoes while assisting families/individuals.
Volunteers needed: 9
Furniture area:
This area will require volunteers to tag claimed furniture and assist with loading.
Volunteers needed: 4
Household items area:
This area will include household items (dishes, small appliances, blankets/sheets, hygiene items, toilet paper, towels, etc).
Volunteers needed: 3
Prayer Tent:
Giving the families/individuals as they exit an opportunity to be prayed for by a prayer team.
Volunteers needed: 3
Set-up / Teardown:
This team will help set up the event from 8am-12pm and tear down from 4pm-5:30pm.
Volunteers needed: 8
Sorting Night at Restore Church:
On 6/21/22 at 6:30pm, this team will help sort, organize, and categorize donated items for the event.
Volunteers needed: 16
To sign up to volunteer, you can register at this link: Volunteer Registration
And you can volunteer for multiple areas! (i.e. set-up & welcome or sorting night & tear down)
CONTACT for any questions:
Rommy Singletary
To help us advertise, share social media posts about “The Big Give”! Follow us on Instagram or Facebook by searching for Oak Church NJ or clicking the links below!